Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Next Meeting

Hi all,
Is there anyone absolutely against pushing back our next meeting for "Sweet Agony" to next week (Dec 15th). I can't make it this week and I think Holly can't either...
And... just thought I would give my thumbs up to Pride and Prejudice. I was predisposed to hate it based on my great love for the Colin Firth miniseries and my dislike for the fake-pouty face Kiera Knightley always makes but... I thought it was a great movie adaptation. They did away with minor characters and plot twists that distracted, and there was a great energy to the scenes between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, plus they finally get to kiss at the end.

There are currently a lot of movies out based on books, some of which we've read or suggested reading.

There's Memoirs of a Geisha, scenes of which were filmed in Golden Gate Park's tea garden. Also a short story by Annie Proulx about gay cowboys has been adapted by Ang Lee in Brokeback Mountain. There's also Chronicles of Narnia which I want to see despite the controversy about it being marketed to christian conservatives. If they want to use it as a teaching tool whatever, I don't think the book itself tried to proselytize.
There's Shopgirl based on a novella by Steve Martin. I kind of want to see this because I liked the book butwill probably wait for the DVD because 9.50$ is too much to pay to see a girl trying to figure out what to do with her life (I'd rather see computer generated lions of course).
And also a movie about Truman Capote, Bee Season from a book by Myla Goldberg, and Jarhead based on an autobiographical memoir from a soldier in the first Iraq war.
Just so you know that the next book we pick will probably become a Charlize Theron/Renee Zelwegger vehicle in a multiplex near you.

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